Those animals, however, it must be admitted, which lie enclosed in a stony shell, have no sensation whatever—such as
the oyster,[1] for instance. Many, again, have the same nature
as vegetables; such as the holothuria,[2] the pulmones,[3] and
the sea-stars.[4] Indeed, I may say that there is no land produc-
tion which has not its like in the sea;[5] no, not even those insects
which frequent our public-houses[6] in summer, and are so trouble-
some with their nimble leaps, nor yet those which more especially make the human hair their place of refuge; for these
are often drawn up in a mass[7] collected around the bait. This,
too, is supposed to be the reason why the sleep of fish is sometimes so troubled in the night. Upon some fish, indeed, these
animals breed[8] as parasites: among these, we find the fish
known as the chalcis.[9]
1. It is singular that Pliny, after his numerous stories as to the sensitiveness of numerous bivalves, should make this statement in reference
to the oyster; for, on the contrary, as Cuvier says, the oyster, in common
with the other bivalves, is extremely sensitive to the touch.
2. Cuvier says, that the different zoöphytes, the sea-star, at least, are
far from having the life of vegetables only; for that they are real animals,
which have the sense of touch, a voluntary power of motion more or less
complete, and seize and devour their prey. It is not, however, very well
known, he says, what was the "holothurium" of the ancients. Aristotle,
Hist. Anim. B. i. c. 1, ranks it, as well as the oyster, among the animals
which, without being attached to any object, have not the faculty of
moving; and in his work, De Part. Anim. B. iv. c. 5, he adds, that the
holothurium and the pulmo only differ from the sponge in being detached.
Cuvier is of opinion, however, that they both belong to the halcyones, the
round kinds of which easily detach themselves from the places upon which
they have grown.
3. Pulmo, "the sea-lungs."
4. Or, as we call it, the star-fish.
5. "Adeoque nihil non gignitur in mari."
6. "Cauponarum." "Caupona" had two significations; that of an inn
where travellers obtained food and lodging, and that of a shop where wine
and ready-dressed meat were sold. A lower kind of inn was the popina,
which was principally frequented by the slaves and lower classes, and was
mostly used as a brothel as well.
7. He alludes to various kinds of sea-animals, called sea-lice and seafleas. Cuvier says, that there are some crustacea which have been called
sea-fleas and sea-lice, some of which kinds are parasites, and are attached
to various fishes and cetacea. Thus, he says, a pycnogonum is commonly
named "pediculus balænæ," or the "whale-louse;" one of the calygæ is
called the "fish-flea," another the "mackerel-flea." The name of sea-flea,
he observes, has been given more especially to a very diminutive kind of
shrimp, in consequence of its power of leaping from place to place.
8. Aristotle says, that the chalcis is greatly tormented by sea-fleas, which
attach themselves to its gills. Cuvier remarks, that a great number of
fish are subject to have the gills attacked by parasitical animals of the
genus Lernæa or that of the monoculi of Linnæus, which have been divided
into many classes since. They have nothing in common, he says, with the
land-flea, except the name and the property of living at the expense of
other animals.
9. The ancients, Cuvier says, speak of their chalcis as being of a similar
nature to the thryssa and the sardine (Athenæus, B. vii.), gregarious fishes,
which live both in the sea and in fresh water, and the flesh of which was
salted. Hence he concludes that it was the same as the Clupea ficta of
Lacepède, the "finte" of the French, and the agone of Lombardy,
which unites all these characteristics, and is sometimes called the "sardine" of the Lago di Garda.